A Pledge to the Earth!
Back to storiesMy World of Learning Childcare Centre in Truro enjoyed a visit from Engagement Officer Pam Chandler recently.
Pam started her visit off by joining the children as they listened to some educational music, bouncing and rolling around to the rhythm of the music.
After burning off some energy, the children joined Pam in circle time for a story, “10 Things I Can Do To Help My World” by Melanie Walsh. The children were engaged with every page, guessing what the book would say next based on the images, such as turning out the lights to save energy! Pam showed the children the recycling symbol on the cover, she explained that when they put the paper in the recycling bin, that paper can be reused and turned into new paper products, like books. By reducing the amount of paper needed to make new paper, helps save trees and energy too!
Following the story, the children received a lesson on how to make their very own draft snake to help keep their homes warm. After learning the importance of saving energy by recycling the children, were encouraged to use newspaper from the recycle bin to stuff their personalized draft snakes. They all did a fantastic job with this, and were done in only a few minutes! Now that is energy efficient!
The students had the opportunity to decorate their draft snakes next with personal touches, and they couldn’t wait to take them home to place on a window sill at home.
As a wrap up to her to visit the children filled out Earth Day Pledges, with their names and ways that they could celebrate Earth Day, like turning off the taps when they brush their teeth!
The children were thrilled with their draft snakes and Earth Day Pledges! These children are already very aware of the importance of protecting the planet, and are all working together to waste less.
Before Pam left the Centre every child received a Green Schools stamp for being such great listeners and workers. Awesome work My World of Learning!
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