Catching up with Michael Wallace Elementary School!
Back to storiesEveryday the students at Michael Wallace Elementary are treated to beautiful views of Dartmouth and when it’s a clear day, the students can see the brilliant blue lakes from their school’s position high up on a hill.
The students are definitely concerned about taking care of the environment around them and keeping our planet clean and green. The students in Ms. McKenzie’s Grade 6 class and Mr. MacKenzie’s Grade 5/6 class have been learning about sustainability, resources and energy. They’re concerned about human impacts on the Earth and our use of resources, particularly those which are non-renewable. They invited Green Schools in to talk more specifically about our energy resources and electricity, and to discuss ways that each of us can be more efficient with the energy we use, as well as how to save energy and money. One popular idea – go outside to play and when you do, remember to turn off and unplug your gaming stations!
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