Checking in with Forest Ridge Academy!
Back to storiesOne warm rainy day in February Engagement Officer Natalie McMaster spent the day with Forest Ridge Academy students talking about energy. Each classroom was able to spend half an hour learning about what energy is, where we get out energy, why we need to save energy, and how we are going to do it. The grade 6 class received an hour-long conversation on electricity and how they can reduce their electricity demand. They really enjoyed learned about energy and electricity.
Each teacher received a Turn Off the Lights lightswitch cling for their classroom, a classroom energy checklist, and a list of questions they can ask themselves and the students to find out where they can waste less energy in their classrooms. The teachers were having a hard time keeping the lights on by the end of the day!
During lunch hour students were busy practising for their talent show H2O that was held the following week. This year the money raised from the talent show is being used to help establish a clean drinking water source in a Third World country. This initiative is in cooperation with their We to Me club and their Health Promoting School Student Action Team/Green Team. The event was well attended and raised close to $500.
For the remainder of the year, the Green Team members are going to focus on litter. The members noticed there is quite a bit of litter along the roads in their community and it concerns them. They decided to make a video to share with the community in hopes that it will help people think twice about littering.
Andrea, who usually tends to the school garden with the Green Team, is off for the remainder of the year so the school had to get creative with their school garden plans. This year the school is reaching out to parents and community members to find individuals who could help the students with garden preparation and planting. It takes many individuals for school gardens to flourish and grow.
Let’s hope Forest Ridge Academy’s garden flourishes!
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