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How Green School resources are used out of the classroom

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How Green School Resources are Used Outside of the Classroom

Natalie McMaster, our Engagement Officer in the South Shore recently received a request from a friend who is a professor at Saint Francis Xavier University. Her friend was asked to participate in Connecting Math to Our Lives and Communities (CMTOLC) program.

The CMTOLC has a partnership with X-Project, a student society at St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish that provides educational resources to African Canadian and Mi’kmaw youth in five communities in the area, including Paqtnkek, Pictou Landing, We’koqma’q, Potlotek & CAEP programs in Antigonish, Guysborough & Port Hawkesbury. The X-project provides BEd students with math interests an opportunity to engage students in activities that have real-life examples, and facilitate learning by making connections to the community and math in everyday life.

On April 14, 2019, Saint Francis Xavier University will be hosting approximately 50 students and community members from X-Project for the 4th annual final celebration day at the Physical Sciences Complex. On that day there will be workshops with demonstrations and activities that will showcase the role of mathematics in the community.

Natalie’s friend knew of the Green Schools Nova Scotia resources, so she asked if there was a Green Schools activity linking climate change to math that could be used during the day. Natalie suggested the Green Schools NS light bulb comparison. This resource contains a clear math explanation of the kiloWatt hours used by the different types of light bulbs and leads the students through a step by step process comparing the difference between how much energy is used by an incandescent light bulb vs. a compact fluorescent light lamp, and an LED light bulb. The activity is a great representation of how our electricity consumption directly affects climate change and demonstrates how energy efficiency is one of the many necessary solutions.

Just another example of how Green School NS resources programming makes a big impact in communities across Nova Scotia.


Light bulb comparison activity

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