John W. MacLeod-Fleming Tower Elementary Primary students wasting less!
Back to storiesMme Whalen’s Primary class at John W. MacLeod-Fleming Tower Elementary did an amazing job during a visit from Green Schools!
The class was full of such great listeners so there was lots of time to enjoy the craft of upcycled draft snakes! These stuffed animals help keep you warm when there is a cool breeze stealing away warmth in the winter, making your classroom, school, workplace or home more energy efficient.
The stuffing used was old t-shirts which would have otherwise been waste in a landfill, but this way the t-shirts got a second life! This class also does wonderful waste work by sorting their waste right in the classroom. From juice boxes to apple cores, these students know how to help their world by sorting waste. The school happened to be celebrating the work they had been doing for a “Month of Kindness” on the day Engagement Officer Colleen visited. It was truly incredible to see these students practicing kindness to each other, as well as kindness toward the Earth. Thank you Mme Whalen and Grade Primary!
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