Litterless Lunch Campaign Follow Up at Tatamagouche Elementary School!
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Litterless Lunch Campaign Launch follow up at Tatamagouche Elementary School!
One way to create a waste less lunch is by making a personalized four-litre plastic Milk/Water Jug Lunch Box. Green Team Leader Helen Blaikie’s Grade 4 class learned how to make the containers, and the plan is for these students would then in the future engage with the other students of the school and teach them how to make the containers.
View this link for the construction breakdown on this super cool lunch box:…/07/DIY-Milk-Jug-Lunch-Box.h…
Here are a few extra pointers when creating this unique reusable container:
· Use a water soluble marker to mark your lines for cutting.
· Punch the two holes with a nail before cutting out the design.
· Use two small rubber elastics (rainbow loom elastics work) for the closure, along with a nice upcycled shank button.
· Have stickers and permanent markers on hand to add some decorative flare to the finished product.
For other great waste less lunch ideas visit the Green Schools NS Pinterest account:
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