New Glasgow Academy’s School Learning Garden!
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The New Glasgow Academy Green Team, their leader, and other members of the school community worked very hard with the preparations for planting the last few weeks of the school year. This included purchasing soil, seeds, gardening tools, organizing volunteers to water the garden over the summer break months, and more. All the supplies purchased for this wonderful School Learning Garden initiative was paid for with the Nutrients for Life grant that the school was awarded. To learn more about the grant visit:…
For the start of National Garden Days, the NGA Green Team planted a variety of carrots in three assigned raised beds for the team. During the fall harvest the carrots will be used for the Panther Kitchen meals and other various school initiatives.
Here is a fun recipe for summer, Carrot Cake Smoothie:…
The team also salvaged herring fishing net from the landfill and upcycled it as a protective barrier for the beds and all those healthy carrots that have been growing during this summer. Another great way of wasting less to save energy!
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