Pictou County Schools going Green!
Back to storiesDid you know that there are 19 schools in Pictou County? Seventeen in the CCRCE, one Bridgeway Academy campus, and one First Nations School.
Pictou County schools and communities are working hard to be green. The schools are trying to go as paperless as possible-providing newsletters and notices on their websites and via email-a great way to protect trees. The Scotsburn Community Club held a Clothing Swap, and Rummage Sale in October. Mme. Brown helps the Garden Club at West Pictou Consolidated School to have a successful harvest each fall. Thorburn Consolidated School is hosting a Holiday Craft & Vendor fair in November-promoting local products in their community. Students at the Bridgeway Academy in Stellarton have taken it upon themselves to teach younger students about helping the earth and environment-helping more people learn the importance of being green!
Pictou Landing First Nation School is building a new school building-that will promote all things green They hosted a tree planting ceremony on the new school grounds earlier this month, and the school’s design had energy efficiency and the earth in mind; making this a green building! The medical centre in Pictou Landing already uses geothermal energy-utilising green energy-being significantly more energy efficient than other similar buildings.
The schools in this region keep the earth in mind every single day. To help Pictou County schools be more energy efficient,Pam the EO will be visiting most of the schools at the end of November and early December-working to reinforce how easy it is to live our lives without using too much energy.
We look forward to supporting all things green in Pictou County, and to seeing what eco-friendly ideas the students and community members come up with next!
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