Somerset and District Elementary learned about energy efficiency and gardens!
Back to storiesSchool Engagement Officer Natalie McMaster stopped in at Somerset and District Elementary and chatted energy and how to save energy with Mrs Cole’s Primary/1 class before the end of the year. Old Green Tree joined Natalie on this visit and played a game of “More Energy or Less Energy” with the students. Old Green Tree read situations and the students had to decide whether to stand up when the statement used more energy or sit down when the statement used less energy. Afterwards the students were ready to head home to look for ways to save energy, and they also had some fresh ideas on how to save energy in their classroom. They will make Old Green Tree proud, we are sure!
Overall, Somerset and District Elementary focused this year on developing their new school gardens. Grade Primary/1 teacher Meagan Cole has been a driving force behind the project. Raised beds were added around the gazebo at their school entry and a garden patch was added to the sunny part of their field. As with any garden project there are always barriers that creep up. The barrier they are overcoming now is that their water faucet is on the opposite side of the school. But as with any school garden, problems are solved, plants are grown and vegetables will be eaten! We’re looking forward to hear about their harvest through this summer and in the fall.
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