Somerset and District Elementary School Harvest Lunch!
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A school garden takes teamwork to grow and based on the fall harvest from Somerset and Districts first garden season, they have a great team! Despite the dry summer, parent volunteers kept the garden weeded and watered, and teacher Megan Coles was able to keep the vegetables harvested. Their first harvest included carrots, beans, tomatoes, zucchini, beans, kale, and sunflowers!
To celebrate their first school garden harvest, students and staff held a Harvest Lunch. Students and staff welcomed Superintendent Roberta Kubik and RCMP school liaison officer Cst. Jeff Wilson to their feast. A local chef volunteered her time and with help from the grade five students made a rotini pasta dish with a cream sauce and stir-fried veggies from the garden. They also made a gluten and dairy free option, rice noodles with a red sauce and veggies from the garden. When asked if the students enjoyed it, Megan Coles captures it best “It was AMAZING to see how many children loved the dish. And all students at least tried it. I had one student who never ever eats veggies and he ate his entire meal!”
Green Schools Nova Scotia is thankful to the students, staff and volunteers who have cared for the school garden, and who made their first Harvest Lunch a great success. Because of your hard work students are learning to support local and waste less energy!
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