Students Share their Energy Saving Tips
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In our webinars, we talk about energy saving but we also like to burn some energy with lots of actions, class participation, and add-on activities! One of our favorite activities with our elementary students is the Ecological Footprint Pledge.
After learning that an ecological footprint is the combination of our choices, actions, and habits around the use of energy and resources, students pledge to make one change or choose one action to help shrink their ecological footprint, (and many pledge more than one!). The ideas are always plentiful and impactful – it’s the best part of our day!
Together, we trace our sneakers on scrap paper (always reuse when you can!) then draw the action/choice/habit change we will pledge to do. When the room goes quiet, that’s when we know they are deep in thought creating art to show their pledge. After some coloring and viewing of Sammy Sasquatch, the students are ready to share their artwork and pledge with their classmates and Engagement Officer. This allows students to see that their choices and actions matter and that they too can help lower the global ecological footprint to help the environment and each other.
We are only one month into our 2021/2022 year here at Green Schools NS and the students around the province are bringing amazing ideas to our engagements to save energy and shrink their Ecological Footprint. Just look at this brainstorm our Northern Engagement Officer, Angie, did with the grade 4/5 class at Salt Springs Elementary! Their ideas were awesome and achievable!
The Ecological Footprint Pledge can be found here on our website or you can book your Engagement Officer at any time throughout the school year to inspire students with energy-saving ideas through our many curriculum-based webinars!
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