Tamara Sealy from Nutrients for Life visitS G.R. Saunders Elementary School!
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Tamara Sealy from Nutrients for Life visited two Grade 3 classes at G.R. Saunders Elementary School last month!
Green Team Leader Anna Gerrior and the school staff would like to start a school garden. Tamara spoke with the students about healthy plants and soils, covering related curriculum too. Tamara asked the students, “What is soil”? One answer: It’s fluffy special dirt!
Fact from Tamara: It takes 2000 years to produce 10 cm of healthy soil and that plants need 17 essential nutrients to grow! Tamara showed a slideshow presentation that highlighted some important elements for healthy plants and soils: N – Nitrogen, P – Phosphorus, and K – Potassium.
She left a fun nutrient-rich beaded bracelet activity for all the students to do with their teachers at a later date. The brown bead is the Earth, the “N” is for nitrogen, the green bead represents nitrogen which makes plants green, the “P” is for phosphorus, the yellow bead represents phosphorus which helps plants trap the sun’s energy though photosynthesis, the “K” is for potassium, the purple bead represents potassium and helps fight disease and stress, the white bead is air, and the blue bead is water.
Another fact from Tamara: Potassium got its name from English chemist Sir Humphry Davy and the letter “K” stands for kalium, which means potash.
To find out more about the element potassium and other elements visit: http://www.ducksters.com/science/chemistry/potassium.php
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