Virtually Energized!
Back to storiesCount Your Blessings Childcare recently received their first virtual engagement from Engagement Officer Natalie McMaster!
To save energy Natalie virtually called into the Centre to follow-up with the children since her in-person visit in the fall. There were cheers of excitement when Natalie popped up on the screen!
The children were over the moon with enthusiasm to see Natalie, and to tell her all about their themed teddy bear picnic day at the Centre; showing off their colourful pajamas too!
Natalie spoke to the children about the temperature outside being cold, and explained that cold days are the perfect opportunity to look for drafty windows and doors at home. Natalie gave the children an energy challenge, to place their homemade draft snakes that the children made during her November visit in all those drafty locations when they went home.
To make your own DIY draft snake to save energy at home and school visit the Green Schools Nova Scotia Pinterest page for some great tips and ideas!
For more information about Efficiency Nova Scotia’s program services visit
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