Yarmouth Central energized and have big green plans!
Back to storiesThe Grade 6 students at Yarmouth Central welcomed Green Schools to chat about energy! The students were treated to an energizing presentation that covered some of their science electricity outcomes. Students were keen to share their past sightings of renewable energy sources across Nova Scotia. They cleverly problem solved why renewable energy production was low on that particular day in Nova Scotia, making links to the current lack of wind and a dry season.
If you are interested in real time energy production in Nova Scotia check out Today’s Power from Nova Scotia Power: http://www.nspower.ca/en/home/about-us/todayspower.aspx# As one teacher pointed out, it is a great resource when covering the Grade 5 science outcome on weather. It is also a particularly awesome resource if you teach a combined Grade 5 and 6 classroom as she was – weather and electricity topics in one resource!
Pam Sanford, the school librarian, has some green plans for Yarmouth Central this year. Gleaning from her experiences at Maple Grove last year, she hopes to encourage student-to-student engagement on green topics by making and using posters throughout the school, hosting lunchtime green games and doing upcycling projects. Luckily for her, Green Schools has many resources available on our website and Pinterest boards to make being a Green School super easy!
For example, there is the Energy Jeopardy Game on our website: https://www.greenschoolsns.ca/sites/default/files/activity_-_energy_jeop…
You can watch how West Northfield Elementary School used the Energy Jeopardy Game to engage with their whole school on “Green Day” during their winter carnival: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2QSMuOX6Jc
Also visit our Upcycling Pinterest board: https://www.pinterest.com/coleman2689/upcycling/
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